Kirkendall and Faccoli, 2010: This species of ambrosia beetle is native to east Asia but is now established in North America. In Europe, it has been identified in both the temperate and Mediterranean zones. This polyphagous specie likes broadleaf trees in Europe. It breeds by means of inbreeding. Rabaglia et al. 2006: This species is now known to be native to northern Palearctic (Vandenberg et al. 2000). It has since been found in Oregon and Washington and several Mid-Atlantic and southeastern states. M. Mandelshtam (personal communication) indicates that this species is very similar to, and may be a synonym of X. bodoanus from northeastern Russia. Wood, 2007: Collected from boles and logs of the host. Felled, broken, damaged, and unthrifty stems ranging in diameter from about 3 cm to more than 3 m are selected for attack. In broken or felled stems the attack may be massive and encompass most or all of the sapwood within a few days. The galleries are usually of a simple branching type that may join other similar galleries of the same species. Eggs are usually placed in clusters at or near the end of branch tunnels. The larvae feed on the mycelium of ambrosial fungi, then pupate in these galleries. The brood emerges from the parent entrance tunnels.