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Xyleborini classification
Xyleborus seriatus Blandford, 1894
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Browne, 1961: This pinhole borer is probably the most common representative of the Coptoborus group over a large area. The species is not highly selective in its choice of hosts. The adult female normally flies at dusk or dawn or at night when she is attracted to light. The species infests dying or cut trees of all sizes down to a minimum diameter of about 8 cm and will also attack newly sawn timber. When the bark has not been removed, this species will make a more or less transverse surface gallery associated with a brood chamber of moderate size and most of the young brood develop between the bark and wood but other tunnels lead directly into the wood where more brood chambers lie in the longitudinal plane. Hulcr and Cognato, 2012: Short tunnel and a flat vertical chamber, chamber can be absent. D. fallax almost invariably creates at least part of its tunnel system in cambium, just under bark. Probably the most common and widespread representative of the genus (Browne 1961), with large regional morphological differentiation.
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Rights holder/Author | hulcr, Xyleborini Ambrosia Beetles |
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Browne, 1961: This pinhole borer has been found only in cut or unhealthy Dipterocarps of any size down to a minimum diameter of about 3 cm. The nest is a simple entrance tunnel and a large, terminal, longitudinal brood chamber.
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Rights holder/Author | hulcr, Xyleborini Ambrosia Beetles |
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Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLDS) Stats
Public Records: 1
Specimens with Barcodes: 1
Species With Barcodes: 1