Xyleborus spinulosus
Wood, 1982: Unthrifty, cut, or broken seedlings, limbs, and branches of trees and lianas are infested by this species.
Wood, 1982: Unthrifty, cut, or broken seedlings, limbs, and branches of trees and lianas are infested by this species.
Browne, 1961: This pinhole borer, which also occurs in Java, is not uncommon in Malaya, where it has been found infesting small, cut poles and branches of about 1.5 to 15 cm diameter. The material infested may be rather dry wood as well as sappy, broken, still living branches. The tunnels may include very irregular brood chambers in the longitudinal plane. Beaver, Kajimura and Goto 2008: This is a polyphagous species. While it does not have a host preference, it has a size preference and is mainly found in poles and branches from 1.5 to 15 cm in diameter. This species starts its galleries near those of other xyleborines and bore into wood already occupied by the ambrosial fungus of the pioneer species. This provides an immediate source of food for the later arriving species.
License | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ |
Rights holder/Author | hulcr, Xyleborini Ambrosia Beetles |
Source | http://xyleborini.myspecies.info/node/128 |
Browne, 1961: This pinhole borer, occurs in the Philippines and New Guinea. Hulcr and Cognato, 2012: Often timber pest, very abundant, creating long and intricate tunnel systems (Browne, 1938). Several tunnel systems may interconnect (Hulcr, pers. obs.).
License | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ |
Rights holder/Author | hulcr, Xyleborini Ambrosia Beetles |
Source | http://xyleborini.myspecies.info/node/127 |