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Xyleborini classification
Dryocoetoides reticulatus
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Beaver and Browne, 1978: The only recorded host is Shorea curtisii. This species is evidently associated with Dipterocarpaceae.Despite it's medium size, it tends to attack smaller stems other than Webbia species found in Penang..
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Rights holder/Author | hulcr, Xyleborini Ambrosia Beetles |
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Hulcr and Cognato, 2012: Appears to prefer Artocarpus sp. (Moraceae), as in E. fornicatus and E. xanthopus (in Borneo).
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Rights holder/Author | hulcr, Xyleborini Ambrosia Beetles |
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Hulcr and Cognato, 2010: Some SE Asian Arixyleborus specialized on Dipterocarpaceae (Browne, 1961), others are generalists (all New Guinean species).
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Rights holder/Author | hulcr, Xyleborini Ambrosia Beetles |
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Hulcr and Cognato, 2010: Some SE Asian Arixyleborus specialized on Dipterocarpaceae (Browne, 1961), others are generalists (all New Guinean species).
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Rights holder/Author | hulcr, Xyleborini Ambrosia Beetles |
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Hulcr and Cognato, 2010: Short branching tunnel. Probably strictly mycocleptic associate of Beaverium perplexus in New Guinea highlands, commonly collected in Chimbu province with its beetle host species.
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Rights holder/Author | hulcr, Xyleborini Ambrosia Beetles |
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Beaver and Browne, 1978: The species has a strong preference for Moraceae. The only gallery system found in S. maxwelliana had a radial gallery penetrating the wood and a circumferential surface gallery at the edge of the xylem, enlarged at one place to form a brood chamber containing two pupae and 5 larvae. Browne, 1961: A very strong preference for the Urticaceae family is evident with alternative hosts in a few other families. This species infests cut or unhealthy stems of almost any size down to a minimum recorded diameter of about 10 cm. The entrance tunnel of the nest is more or less radial and ends in a brood chamber in the longitudinal plane, the whole gallery system penetrating the wood only to a depth of about 2-3 cm. Hulcr and Cognato, 2012: Galleries with several irregular brood chambers. Significant portion of tunnel system between bark and xylem core. Gallery in form of short tunnel leading to flat chamber. Strong preference for Moraceae (Beaver and Browne 1978, Hulcr et al. 2007b).
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Rights holder/Author | hulcr, Xyleborini Ambrosia Beetles |
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